Newsletter No. 379
第三七九期 二零一一年六月四日 No. 379 4 June 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P4 中大向八名傑出人士頒授 榮譽院士銜。 CUHK honoured eight distinguished persons with honorary fellowships. P5 「全賴書院制,中文大學 能夠『大中見小』。」 ‘Thanks to its college system, CUHK can provide its students with a congenial environment despite its steady expansion.’ P10 「急症室是社會的縮影。做了 這麼多年,最主要是看到社會 進步」 ‘A&E departments mirror society. After all these years in A&E, I witnessed the progress of society.’ 拜訪企鵝的故鄉 一百年前的1911年,挪威探險家阿蒙森到達南極點,是人類南極探索史上 重要的里程碑。一百年後的2011年,南極已不再是淨土,科學家甚至發現 南極企鵝體內殘留有毒污染物二噁英。這一年,兩個來自中大的女孩踏上 這片冰封的大地,親身了解當地脆弱的生態系統,體驗氣候變遷造成的影 響。(全文詳見頁2 – 3) A Journey to the Southernmost Continent In 1911, Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen led an expedition to Antarctica and became the first to reach the South Pole. One hundred years later, Antarctica is no longer the mythical Terra Australis Incognita on ancient world maps. Scientists even found that penguins in Antarctica have dioxins, toxic chemical pollutants, in them. In 2011, two girls from CUHK paid a life- changing visit to Antarctica to gain first-hand knowledge of the continent’s fragile ecosystem and learn about climate change. (For the full story, please read pp.2–3)
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