Newsletter No. 370

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三七零期 二零一一年一月四日 No. 370 4 January 2011 P8 要使健康城市持續發展,最 有效的方法是從日常生活、 學習和工作的地方入手。 To develop Hong Kong into a Healthy City, we have to start with our daily life, study and work places. P4 一個理想的溫習環境, 應有「家」的特質。 Well-designed learning spaces take on the properties of a learning ‘home’. P4 從事科技創新最關鍵 是要配合市場需要。 Market needs are important at every stage of the innovation process. 功夫之道 「功夫沒有絕招,勤練就是絕招。不練習甚麼絕招都沒用。」新亞國術會教 練鄺祖賢師傅(右),七十年代末已來中大教拳,他教的除了武術,還隱含 治學的態度,並承傳中國文化傳統。(全文詳見頁2至3) The philosophy of Kung Fu ‘Training hard is our coup de maître. If you don’t train hard, no technique will be useful,’ said Master Joe Kwong (right), instructor of New Asia Chinese Kung Fu Society, who has taught at CUHK since the late 70s. Other than teaching the art of fighting, he also helps to promote Chinese culture. (For full story, please read pp.2–3)