Newsletter No. 339
No. 339, 4.6.2009 第三三九期 二零零九年六月四日 No. 339 4 June 2009 中大頒五榮譽院士 CUHK Confers Five Honorary Fellowships T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Eighth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 18 May at Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building. Five distinguished persons who have been closely associated with the University were conferred honorary fellowships in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the University and the community. They were the Honourable Cheung Man-kwong, Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie, Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, and Mr. Mok Wah-chiu Christopher. Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, presided at the ceremony. Giving the vote of thanks to the University on behalf of the fellow recipients, Mr. Cheung Man-kwong said the most memorable plants on the Chinese University campus have to be azaleas and Chinese red pines. In particular, Chinese red pines are suited to the hard and shallow topsoil of the University. They green the hills, like distinguished scholars in former, less privileged times. On the same day, a banquet in honour of the honorary fellows and in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the CUHK was held at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin. Over 180 guests were in attendance including former Vice-Chancellors Prof. Arthur Li and Prof. Ambrose King. Speaking at the banquet, Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng said that over 50 distinguished individuals have been inducted to the roll of Honorary Fellows. The growing community is a major asset for the University, propelling its development past and future. ‘The 45th birthday is a celebration of youth. Blessed with the wisdom of maturity and the innocence of the child, the youth embraces the future, in which uncharted waters beckon with boundless potentials.’ He has full confidence that the University will scale new heights and command new horizons as it looks forward to the golden jubilee. 香 港中文大學第八屆榮譽院士頒授典禮於5月 18日假利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳舉行,由大學 校董會主席鄭維健博士主禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予五位 賢達,以表彰他們對大學及社會的卓越貢獻。他們是張 文光議員、鍾永珏先生、關信基教授、李紹鴻教授及莫 華釗先生。 典禮上,身為中大校友的張文光議員代表受銜者致謝, 他稱中大校園最為同學懷念的植物,是杜鵑和馬尾松。 馬尾松甚適合中大石硬土淺的地質,以拓荒者的姿態綠 化山頭,象徵中大先輩先賢的奮鬥精神。 當晚,大學於香港沙田凱悅酒店舉行恭賀榮譽院士暨 四十五周年校慶晚宴,款待逾一百八十位嘉賓,前中大 校長李國章教授及金耀基教授亦同出席見證。 鄭維健博士說,中大現已有五十多位榮譽院士,這支日 益壯大的隊伍,是推動大學今後發展的強大動力。他又 稱「四十五年歷史的大學,是處於青年時期,既有成年 人的智慧,又不失赤子之心,對未來滿懷憧憬,醞釀着 探索四方的銳氣。」他深信到中大慶祝五十周年之際, 必如日中天,更有一番新氣象。 (續下頁 To be continued ) 左起:金耀基教授、鄭維健博士、劉遵義校長及李國章教授主持切蛋糕儀式 From left: Prof. Ambrose King, Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau and Prof. Arthur Li at the cake cutting ceremony 左起:張文光議員、鍾永珏先生、關信基教授、李紹鴻教授及莫華釗先生獲頒榮譽院士銜 From left: The Honourable Cheung Man-kwong, Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie, Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, and Mr. Mok Wah-chiu Christopher were conferred honorary fellowships
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