Bulletin Spring 1989
University Press Publications The following books and journal were published by the University Press from September 1988 to February 1989: (Titles in Chinese) Hsu Kwan-san: New Historiography since 1900, VoL2 (iv + 330pp., paperback & hardcover) Kai-sun Kwong: Towards Open Skies and Uncongested Airports (xii + 82pp., paperback) Lau Siu-kai and Kuan Hsin-chi: The Ethos of the Hong Kong Chinese (xii + 217pp., paperback) Tian Shou-he: A Guide to Proper Usage of Spoken Chinese (xiv + 183pp., paperback) Pen-yeh Tsao: The Music of Su-chou T'an-tz'u (xviii + 398pp., hardcover) (Titles in English) David Flux: Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice (1988-89 Edition) (xxxiv + 522 pp., hardcover) Shu-hsien L iu and Robert E. Allinson (eds.): Harmony and Strife: Contemporary Perspectives, East & West (X + 327pp., hardcover) John Minford and Siu-kit Wong (eds.): Classical, Modern and Humane: Essays in Chinese Literature (xiii + 327pp., hardcover) Mau-sang Ng: The Russian Hero in Modern Chinese Fiction (xvi + 332pp., paperback) A.E. Starling: The Chance of a Lifetime: The Birth of a New Medical School in Hong Kong (XX + 194pp., paperback) C.H. Wang: From Ritual to Allegory (xvi + 195pp., hardcover) (Journal) Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Vol. 19 (x + 484pp ., paperback) 9
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