Bulletin No. 1, 2012
42 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2012 Activities and Events New Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability The opening ceremony and inaugural symposium of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) was held on 22 October 2011. Mr. Edward Yau Tang-wah (left), Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Lam Kin-che (right), professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, and director of IEES, CUHK, officiated at the ceremony. The institute aims at building a sustainable future for Hong Kong and the region through rigorous advanced research, education and knowledge transfer programmes. S.H. Ho College Opens to 600 Students S.H. Ho College officially opened on 28 October 2011. The ceremony was officiated by Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng (front row, 7th right), Chairman of the Council, CUHK; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (front row, 7th left), Vice- Chancellor, CUHK; Dr. Ho Tzu-leung (front row, 6th right), chairman of the Committee of Overseers, S.H. Ho College and Governor of The S.H. Ho Foundation; and Prof. Samuel Sun (front row, 6th left), Master of S.H. Ho College. The representatives of three exchange partners of the College—Brown University, Cambridge University, Peking University—were also present. Opening of Shenzhen Research Institute CUHK c e l e b r a t e d t he g r and opening of the Shenzhen Research Institute officially on 17 November 2011. Ove r 20 0 gove r nment of ficials and academic s from H o n g K o n g a n d S h e n z h e n attended the ceremony. CUHK will advance its collaboration with Shenzhen in education, research, and industrialization through the institute to bring both cities’ strengths into full play.
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