Bulletin No. 1, 2012
Six Graduates Awarded Croucher Scholarships A total of six CUHK graduates have received the Croucher Foundation Scholarship, Croucher Foundation Fellowship and Croucher Cambridge International Scholarship for further studies in the academic year 2011–12 at prestigious overseas institutions. Mr. Lam Ka-kit (right), who graduated from CUHK with first class honours in mathematics and information engineering in 2011, has been admitted to the University of California, Berkeley to pursue a PhD in engineering. He said, ‘I hope that we all do good research to benefit society in the future.’ Other CUHK recipients are Dr. Lau Yuk-lun Alexander who will do research on stroke and neurology at the University of California, San Francisco; Mr. Cheung Kit who will research on computer engineering at Imperial College London; Mr. Lam Wai-yeung who will head for Berlin Mathematical School; Miss Chan Yee-ching Tina and Mr. Walfred Tang who will study metabolic disorders and developmental biology respectively at the University of Cambridge. Business Students Win Case Challenge A team of four Year 1 Business School students of CUHK won the championship from among over 140 teams on 20 November in the ‘uShine Case Challenge 2 011, ’ o r g a n i z e d b y the Deloit te Club and sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohma s t su . T h e w i n n i n g t e am c o m p r i s i n g t w o International Business and Chinese Enterprise students Janice Sue Wong (1st left), Pepsi Leung (2nd left), and two Global Business Studies students, Victor Kwok (2nd right) and Tony Law (1st right), demonstrated good understanding of the accounting profession, excellent analytical skills and teamwork. They were awarded a cash prize and internship opportunity offered by Deloitte. 34 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2012 The Best and the Brightest
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