Newsletter No. 395

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三九五期 二零一二年四月四日 No. 395 4 April 2012 如花美眷 似水流年 大學會議廳暫作牡丹亭,讓古代的才子佳人,在絲竹管弦襯托下, 織造青春夢,傾訴思慕情。著名崑劇演員俞玖林(右)和沈丰英在 3月20日現身祖堯堂,於中大「崑曲研究推廣計劃」啟動儀式上演出 一折《牡丹亭 ‧ 驚夢》,盡顯崑曲之美。(詳見頁7) Beauty Etched in Time For a few minutes, one of the University's conference halls turned into the Peony Pavilion where the scholar and the beauty compose their youth dream of love to the accompaniment of a Chinese instrumental ensemble. On 20 March, renowned kunqu artist Yu Jiulin (right) and Shen Fengying appeared in Cho Yiu Hall to perform an excerpt from 'Interrupted Dream' of The Peony Pavilion at the launch ceremony of the CUHK Kunqu Research and Promotion Project. (see p. 7) P10 「教書是工作中 最重要又最有樂趣 的一環。」 ‘… [teaching] is the most important and enjoyable thing we do.’ P2 「了解到非歐洲背景作者 用英文創作,最終能另闢 蹊徑,真是很有意思。」 ‘It is interesting to see how … people from non-European backgrounds create in English and eventually find their own voices.’ P9 大學刊物 電子書添新貌 University Publications Available as e-Books