CUHK Research
54 中大研與學 CUHK has been a pioneer in the promotion of knowledge transfer, which refers to the transfer and application of knowledge to the community. While technology transfer is included, scholarly output from the arts, humanities and social sciences make equally important contributions, specifically to the transmission of humanistic cultural values and improvement in quality of life, and as such should also be shared with the public. Since the inception of CUHK, staff members of the University have engaged in knowledge transfer activities by undertaking commissioned research, licensing patent rights to corporations for product development, or providing professional advice. They are well aware that their expertise and research findings are not limited to publishing papers. Besides teaching and research, academics share the knowledge they create with the public, and make that the third mission of the University. The University’s past contributions in spreading the fruits of its intellectual endeavours include the launching of kunqu and Cantonese opera education and promotion projects; the prevention, retreatment and rehabilitation of elderly fall victims; and the consultancy service to the industry offered by the Centre for Innovation and Technology. CUHK’s effort in promoting knowledge transfer is recognized by the University Grants Committee which applauded it for its encouraging innovations and interdisciplinary knowledge transfer projects and for making use of its community projects for the benefits of the community. In addition, the University’s favourable performance in commercialization and exploitation of intellectual property rights were praised. 網址 Website: 中文大學在不同範疇有蓬勃的知識轉移活 動。知識轉移,簡言之是知識的轉化和應 用,不囿於科技範疇,凡是對文化價值承傳 和生活質素有重要影響的學科如藝術、人文 及社會科學等,也絕不能忽略。 中大自成立以來,大學同仁或是承接校外科 研學術合約;或是把其發明授權和市場化; 或是以自身的專業知識服務社會,這些都是 經不同渠道進行的知識轉移。大學同仁皆能 意識到他們的專業知識和研究成果不是局限 於發表論文,在創造知識之餘,恆有餘力地 把知識回饋社會,這便是大學的第三使命。 大學在過去把學術成果貢獻社會 的例子包括:崑曲及粵劇的 推廣計劃;與各界分享 老人防跌、骨折治療 和復康經驗;和工程 學院創新科技中心為 業界提供的技術諮詢 服務。 大學在推動知識轉移的努力 亦獲教資會的認同,教資會 並讚揚中大鼓勵創新和跨學 科的知識轉移項目,而各項 社區計劃不但加強大學關懷 社會的特色,且造福社區, 在推動市場化和保障知識產 權方面表現出色。 iWE 運動儀 iWE Platform 知識轉移 : 大學的第三使命 Knowledge Transfer: the Third Mission of the University
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