CUHK Research
53 CUHK RESEARCH The tremendous pace at which the Pearl River Delta region develops means an increasingly large demand for expertise and trained professionals in different disciplines. With support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government, CUHK set up the Shenzhen Research Institute in 2007 to help address that educational and training need in Shenzhen and the region. Situated in the Shenzhen Virtual University Park in Nanshan District, the Institute’s U-shape, 9-storey building with a gross floor area of 25,000 sq. m. was completed in 2011, providing ample spaces and state-of-the-art facilities for its various programmes and projects. At present, the work of the Institute is focused on four areas: agricultural product and food safety, biotechnology, internet and information technology, and economics and social subjects. Its training programmes in engineering, management and hygiene contribute to the upgrading of human capital in Shenzhen and the region. It is also a platform for CUHK to collaborate with mainland corporations and for the promotion of technology transfer. The Institute has played an important role in education, research and industrialization in Shenzhen and the region. As its director, Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, “On the basis of the research prowess and educational resources of the Chinese University, the Institute hopes to serve as the University’s extension on the mainland to contribute to advances in technological innovation, economic development and social well-being in the region and in the nation.” 網址 Website: 珠三角地區發展蓬勃,對多個範疇的技術及 專才需求日增。得深圳市政府支持,中文大 學於2007年成立深圳研究院,積極協助解決 深圳以至珠三角地區的產業發展和人才培訓 的需求。 研究院位處南山區深圳虛擬大學園,樓高九 層,建築面積二萬五千平方米,於2011年落 成,自此提供足夠地方和先進設備,成為多 個培訓和科研項目的基地。 目前,研究院重點開展農業與食品安全、生 物技術、互聯網與信息技術、經濟與人文社 科四大領域的科研開發和產業化工作。在 工程、管理和衞生方面的培訓課程,為深圳 以至地區培訓優才,它也是中大與內地機構 合作,促進技術轉移的平台。在教育、科研 以及產業化層面,深圳研究院都扮演著重要 角色。 深圳研究院院長、中大副校長程伯中教授 說:「寄望透過深圳研究院,能更充分 地利用中文大學的科研力量和教育資 源,承擔起大學在內地的延伸機構 的責任,為內地科技創新、經 濟社會發展和民生福祉貢獻 力量。」 深圳研究院 Shenzhen Research Institute
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