CUHK Research
合成化學國家重點實驗室 實驗室由香港中文大學、香港大學和中國科 學院上海有機化學研究所「金屬有機化學國 家重點實驗室」合作共同建立,主要研究新 穎合成物的設計、合成與應用。實驗室亦致 力發展對環境無不良影響的化學合成新方 法,以合成對人類社會有貢獻的化合物。實 驗室將為本港各大學的跨學科基礎研究提供 平台,有助培育研究人才。 消化疾病研究國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學夥伴實驗室) 新近成立的消化疾病研究國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學夥伴實驗室),是中大第五所 國家重點實驗室,獲中國國家科學技術部批 准成立,由中大與第四軍醫大學聯合建設。 透過此實驗室,中大與第四軍醫大學加強在 消化疾病研究的合作關係,集中研究中國人 常見的消化道腫瘤以及消化道潰瘍出血、慢 性肝病、炎症性腸病等消化病;並進行基礎 醫學、轉化醫學和臨床應用等方面的廣泛深 入研究。消化疾病研究國家重點實驗室的建 立,進一步推動及提升中國在消化病學研究 方面的地位,提高消化道腫瘤和其他消化道 疾病診治水平,加強中大在有關領域的國際 領先地位。 State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry The SKL of Synthetic Chemistry is established by CUHK in partnership with the University of Hong Kong and the SKL of Organometallic Chemistry of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The objective is to study the design, synthesis and application of novel chemical compounds. The SKL also develops new environmentally friendly methods for synthesizing useful chemical compounds. It will provide a platform for multi- disciplinary infrastructural researches among universities in Hong Kong and helps train researchers. State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong) The fifth state key laboratory at CUHK was recently established with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology in partnership with the Fourth Military Medical University (FMMU). The state key laboratory carries out basic, translational and clinical research on the gastrointestinal cancer, peptic ulcer bleeding, chronic liver disease and inflammatory bowel disease. It will enhance China’s position in terms of digestive disease research and improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and other digestive diseases, as well as further strengthening the University’s leadership in related fields. 51 CUHK RESEARCH
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