Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015
劉遵義教授於二零零四年七月一日 獲委任為香港中文大學第六任 校長,至二零一零年六月三十日 榮休。 劉教授出任中大校長之前,是史 丹福大學李國鼎經濟發展講座教 授兼史丹福大學亞太研究中心共 同主任、史丹福經濟政策研究所 主任。二千年代中期,香港高等 教育正受政府削減資源的政策影 響,惟他堅信中大即使面對挑戰, 仍大有發展空間,當可百尺竿頭; 他更認為自己成長於斯,應在香 港處於艱難之際,克盡所長回港 服務。在任六載,劉教授迭有建 樹,擘畫十年策略計劃,領導大 學邁向國際,成立多所新書院, 在在對大學影響深遠。 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau assumed office as the sixth Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 1 July 2004, and retired from the Vice- Chancellorship on 30 June 2010. Prior to taking up the helm at the Chinese University, Professor Lau was Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Economic Development and a Co-Director at the Asia-Pacific Research Centre, both at Stanford University, as well as the Director of the Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research. In the mid-2000s, when higher education in Hong Kong was experiencing the impact of the Government’s funding cuts, Professor Lau was convinced of the Chinese University’s potential to grow and scale new heights despite the challenges it was facing at the time, and as one raised in Hong Kong he felt obligated to come back and offer his service when the territory was in distress. Hence his six years as head of the Chinese University, which are now remembered for distinguished achievements of great significance and benefit to the University, including a vigorously enterprising decennial strategic plan, a new and expanded phase of internationalization, and the foundation of a number of new Colleges. 前言 Foreword 2 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement
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