Calendar 2000–01
Faculty of Medicine Medical Year Code Course Title First GEE 298Z/299Z Behavioural and Social Sciences (required General Education course for medical students) First to Fourth Family follow-up project (part of Behavioural and Social Sciences Course) First & Second MED 1010/2010 Anatomy MED 1110/2110 Physiology MED 1310/2310 Biochemistry Second MED 2210 Pharmacology Third MED 3010 Introductory Clinical Course MED 3110 and Junior Medical Clerkship and MED 3210 Junior Surgical Dressership MED 3310 Medicine Core Lectures and Therapeutics/ Clinical Pharmacology Lectures MED 3410 Anatomical and Cellular Pathology MED 3510 Microbiology MED 3610 Chemical Pathology Fourth MED 4010 Community and Family Medicine MED 4110 Obstetrics and Gynaecology MED 4210 Paediatrics MED 4310 Psychiatry MED 4410 Elective Fifth MED 5110 and Senior Medical Clerkship and MED 5210 Senior Surgical Dressership Medical Year Code Course Title Intercalated MED 3810 Guided Study I Year MED 3820 Guided Study II MED 3830/3840 Seminar I/II MED 3860 Research Project
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