Calendar 2000–01
Faculty of Education Tel.: 2609 6905 Fax.: 2603 6724 E-mail: With over 20 academic staff, the department offers courses to support faculty- level programmes leading to the PGDE and the degrees of BEd, MEd, MPhil, PhD, and EdD. The courses are designed to cultivate expertise in teaching and curriculum development as well as to equip teachers and educators with professional and academic qualifications. Through research, service to local educational bodies and committees, and seminars for educators and teachers, members of the department play an active role in promoting professional development in the education field. Tel.: 2609 6953 Fax.: 2603 6761 E-mail: The department contributes to the integrative programmes offered by the faculty at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Members of the department are mainly responsible for teaching courses leading to the BEd degree, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, as well as to higher degrees such as the MEd, MPhil, EdD, and PhD. The main areas of specialization are educational administration, comparative education, and policy studies. Members of the department are active contributors to academic and professional communities in Hong Kong and abroad, having served local and international bodies as journal editors, advisers, and consultants. Tel.: 2609 6904 Fax.: 2603 6921 E-mail: The department offers courses for faculty-level programmes, namely, BEd, PGDE, MEd, MPhil, PhD, and EdD. The courses fall into five main categories: cognitive and intellectual development, counselling, social and personality development, motivation, measurement and methodology. The strength of the department lies in counselling and guidance, student assessment, and gifted education. Equal stress is given to theory and practice to enable students to be both resourceful teachers and competent researchers.
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