Calendar 2000–01
Research Institute for the Humanities Tel.: 2609 7167 Fax.: 2603 5298 E-mail: Website: Established in August 1991, the Research Institute for the Humanities has three main objectives: to encourage and coordinate collective, especially interdisciplinary, research in the humanities at the University; to identify areas suited to long-term strategic research; and to organize regional and international conferences on the humanities. It is hoped that all research projects funded by RGC/UGC and other sources be housed under the institute, which will in turn provide clerical and logistic support, serve as an information clearing house, and organize events such as small workshops, lectures, brain-storming sessions for possible research topics. To facilitate research, the institute has maintained a website where e-texts and e-libraries pertaining to the humanities can be found. To provide technical support for researchers, the institute has set up a microcomputer laboratory, which is also an important resource centre. The institute is primarily supported by private funds and external research grants. Its activities are governed by a management board comprising senior members of the University. ! " Tel.: 2609 7167 Fax.: 2603 5298 The Resource Centre for the Study of Hong Kong Culture is jointly set up by the Faculty of Arts and the University Library System in January 1999 to develop a centralized Hong Kong Cultural Research Data Service. Established under the Research Institute for the Humanities, the centre will systematically identify, assess, categorize, index, and organize the cultural and historical resources scattered in various universities, libraries, civic and cultural organizations. The centre also aims at developing cooperation with the Online Computer Library Center in the United States and joining its global Dublin Core Metadata System in order to create a catalogue of Internet resources on Hong Kong research. The work of the centre represents the concerted efforts of members in the Faculty of Arts and the Research Institute for the Humanities in developing research in the study of ‘localism and globalism’, one of the areas of excellence identified by the Faculty.
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