Calendar 2005–06
144 Part 3 • Research Units and University Extensions Research Centre for Cantonese Tel.: 2609 7160 Fax.: 2603 6048 E-mail: With the University’s endorsement, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature adopted ‘Cantonese in Research, Education and Creative Writing’ as its Strategic Research Area in 1998. The Research Centre for Cantonese was subsequently established in February 2001 to coordinate research activities, centralize human resources, and apply for funding for future development. The centre, located at the Fung King Hey Building, is expected to contribute to the development of Hong Kong language and culture jointly with the department. Ongoing projects include the following: • Cantonese databank building; • applying for funding for research projects related to Cantonese studies; • consultation services for the public with regard to Cantonese studies; and • research publication in the name of the centre. Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture Tel.: 2609 7066 Fax.: 2603 5323 E-mail: Established in 2005 with financial support from the Edwin S.L. Cheng Research Fund for General Education and Philosophy, the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture has three fundamental aims: to continue the Chinese humanistic tradition established by Ch’ien Mu, Tang Chun-I and Mou Tsung-san at New Asia College and the Chinese University, to explore new directions and methodologies in the study of Chinese philosophy and culture, and to promote academic exchange between researchers around the world. It seeks to encourage new developments in this area by initiating research in new issues, methods, and areas of study and by facilitating communication and collaboration among scholars from different regions. It also aims at furthering the modernization and internationalization of research on Chinese thought and culture. Current plans call for the centre to organize two to three international academic conferences, workshops, and reading groups each year. It will also sponsor several academic exchange programmes providing financial assistance to scholars to visit the University. These range from a short-term two-week programme to a four-month sabbatical visit programme. Other activities slated include publication of an academic journal, a monography series, and academic newsletters and a website. Research Laboratory for Food Protein Production Tel.: 2609 6389 Fax.: 2603 5745 E-mail: The Research Laboratory for Food Protein Production, established under the Department of Biology, aims at using biochemical and biotechnological
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