Calendar 2005–06
140 Part 3 • Research Units and University Extensions industry in an expanding field of interdisciplinary interest. Major research areas include restoration of disturbed lands, bioremediation of contaminated areas, wastewater biotechnology, and slope greening. Ongoing research projects include the ecological assessment of restored landfills, application of bioremediation techniques to clean up contaminated soils, the biotechnological treatment of industrial wastewaters, and the evaluation of the sustainability of landscaped cutslopes from a geoecological approach. Information Engineering Consultancy Unit Tel.: 2609 8385 Fax.: 2603 5032 E-mail: Website: Established in 1994, the Information Engineering Consultancy Unit is managed by the Department of Information Engineering. Its main function is to provide industrial, commercial, and academic communities with consultancy services such as expert advice, feasibility studies, system design and analysis, project planning and management, hardware and software implementation, system performance evaluation, and organizing short courses, customized training programmes and workshops. The unit is fully supported by the academic and technical staff of the department, whose expertise and industrial experiences cover a wide spectrum of areas in communications and information processing. In communications, their expertise covers broadband ISDN, Internet engineering, inter-networking and network management, wireless communications, system performance evaluation, multimedia communications, switching, optical communication, and lightwave networks. In information processing, their expertise covers information and coding theory, data compression, Chinese language processing, visual information processing, man-machine interface and interactive systems, decision support systems, and expert systems. Lim Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre Tel.: 2762 3129 Fax.: 2715 9490 E-mail: Website: The Lim Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre was established in 2004 with a generous donation from the late Mr. Lim Por-yen. The centre provides that first genetics screening service in South East Asia for eye disease, including primary open angle glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, retinoblastoma, sex-linked retinoschisis, and best vitelliform macular dystrophy. It also conducts up-front research including mapping of new disease causing genes for glaucoma, high myopia, congenital cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. The centre utilizes whole genome scanning, linkage analysis, DNA miroarray, and high throughput molecular technologies in its genome research, which also includes functional and structural characterization of specific genes, such as MYOC for glaucoma, RBI for retinoblastoma, and RPI for retinitis pigmentosa.
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