Calendar 2005–06
114 Part 3 • Research Units and University Extensions disciplinary, research in the humanities at the University; to identify areas suited to long-term strategic research; and to organize regional and international conferences on the humanities. Currently, there are six research centres under the institute. It is hoped that all humanities projects funded by the UGC/RGC and other sources will be housed under the institute, which will in turn provide clerical and logistic support, serve as an information clearing house, and organize events such as small workshops, lectures, and brain-storming sessions for possible research topics. The institute is primarily supported by private funds and external research grants. Its activities are governed by a management board comprising senior members of the University. Centre for Hong Kong Cultural Studies Tel.: 2609 7536 Fax.: 2609 7722 E-mail: Website: The missions of the Centre for Hong Kong Cultural Studies, formerly the Programme for Hong Kong Cultural Studies, include promoting studies in Hong Kong culture and helping researchers develop interest in Hong Kong culture. The centre organizes seminars and talks in cooperation with different departments in the Faculty of Arts. At present it is working on the new Hong Kong Cultural Studies series. A couple of cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional research projects on Hong Kong cultural studies are also being drawn up. Research Centre for Comparative City Cultures Tel.: 2609 7113 Fax.: 2603 5685 E-mail: Website: The Research Centre for Comparative City Culture was established to coordinate and promote research on comparative city cultures at CUHK and to facilitate research collaboration with other institutions in this area. The centre organizes various research activities and academic events. It also works on projects in cooperation with research units from other universities in Hong Kong and in mainland China, such as ‘Cultural Relations and Interaction between Shanghai and Hong Kong’ and ‘Hong Kong–Shenzhen Cultural Relations’. Research Centre for Confucian Studies Tel.: 2609 7028 Fax.: 2603 5685 E-mail: Website: The Research Centre for Confucian Studies aims to achieve certain goals, including the promotion of research interest in the area of Confucianism and
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