Calendar 2005–06
102 Part 3 • Research Units and University Extensions • monitor student achievement in Hong Kong from an international perspective; • provide a baseline profile for the knowledge and skills of Hong Kong students at the end of compulsory schooling; • evaluate the effectiveness of compulsory schooling; • illuminate quality and equality issues within the context of local schooling; • train evaluators and practitioners in education to monitor school performance; and • support scholars in assessing student performance and school effectiveness in Hong Kong and other Chinese societies. The work of the centre focuses on three main areas: network building, training of evaluators, and assessment of student achievement and school effectiveness. Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership Tel.: 2609 6996 Fax.: 2603 6850 E-mail: Website: The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership was established under the auspices of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research in late 1998 as a major vehicle for advancing the practice, understanding, and development of leadership at all levels of education. Working closely with practising professionals, the centre aims to conduct quality research and organize development and training activities for educational leaders in Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific region, and the international community. The centre aims at promoting the professionalism of educational leaders through: • providing supportive services in the form of training courses; • offering consultancy services to individuals and institutions; • developing connections with other leadership centres; • promoting research in educational leadership and administration. The centre offers a wide range of activities related to educational leadership, including courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, research, consultancy, exchanges and visits, experience-sharing sessions, and lectures by visiting speakers. Institute of Biotechnology Tel.: 2603 5111 Fax.: 2603 5012 E-mail: Website: In 2003, The Chinese University Institute of Biotechnology (CUIB) was formed as a parallel organization of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd. (HKIB) to reflect the close relationship between the University and the institute. HKIB is a company limited by guarantee and is wholly controlled by the Council
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