The Call of CUHK Colleges
聯合書院與香港童軍總會合辦的「實踐領導才」通識科目,藉體驗式工作坊與歷奇活動,幫助學生發展領導才能,提升人際溝通及建立有 效團隊的能力。學生分成小組,輪流擔任領導工作,一同完成一系列的任務。 ‘Leadership in Practice’ is a general education programme jointly organized by United College and the Scout Association of Hong Kong. Through workshops and expeditions, the programme attempts to help students develop their leadership abilities, and raise their skills in inter-personal communication and team-building. Students taking part in this programme are divided into groups and take turns to be group leaders as they accomplish a series of prescribed assignments. 書院通識教育是中大的特色,多元化的通識課程幫助學生在入學之初適應大學生活,掌握終身學習的技巧, 發展潛能。無所不包的課題也體現了書院各自的宗旨、傳統和獨特資源,與大學通識課程相輔相成。 A characteristic of undergraduate studies at CUHK, general education administered by the Colleges consists of diversified programmes which help students fit into campus life during the initial days, assist them to hone their learning skills and develop their potentials. Complementary to university general education modules, the college general education programmes, wide-ranging as they are, also serve to demonstrate the unique objectives, traditions and resources of the respective Colleges. 書院通識教育 College General Education 8
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