The Call of CUHK Colleges
入住宿舍,為學習生活添上新章,除認識不同學科的同學, 互相學習,擴闊人際網絡,更建立持久的友誼。晨興、善衡 及敬文書院推行全宿共膳,所有學生均入住宿舍,且定期 舉行師生共膳,促進溝通。 非全宿制書院設有走讀生舍堂,照顧非宿生的成長及需要, 方便他們休憩,參與及籌劃舍堂活動。 Residing on campus adds another dimension to a student's life at university. Living on campus, students get to know peers belonging to disciplines other than their own, learn from each other, and build up long and lasting friendship. Morningside, S.H. Ho and C.W. Chu Colleges are fully residential, where all students live in dormitories and have communal meals. The teachers and students of these three Colleges dine in their respective dining halls regularly, a practice which greatly facilitates communication between academics and undergraduates. To provide care and service to non-resident students, Colleges which are not fully residential also maintain non-resident halls which serve as places of rest and recreation, and enable their member students to organize hall-based activities. 安住校園 Residing on Campus 6
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