The Call of CUHK Colleges
關顧成長 Pastoral Care 踏入大學校門,不管是授課和學習的模式,或是課外活動,與中學大不相同。書院除通過教職員、宿舍導 師提供輔導,還設立各種計劃,協助學生投入大學生活,豐富成長歷程。 All aspects of university life, from teaching and learning, to extracurricular activities, are very different from what students are used to in secondary school. The Colleges facilitate the transition of new students through the provision of counselling services by teachers and hostel resident tutors, and the organization of various programmes. 和聲書院有針對非本地生需要的學長計劃,以助他們適應校園以至香港的生活和學習。 Lee Woo Sing College’s unique non-local mentorship programme facilitates the adaptation of non-local students to life at CUHK and in Hong Kong. 30
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