The Call of CUHK Colleges
見賢思齊 Learning from the Wise 書院的研討會、週會、訪問學人計劃、講座、茶聚及高桌晚宴,以及不同形式的聚會,不時出現海內外著名學 者、藝術家、社會領袖或傑出人士的身影。他們獲邀與學生交流,分享卓見和獨特經歷,以其豐富人生擴闊 學生的視野。 Famous scholars, artists, social leaders and other distinguished figures can often be seen at the symposia, assemblies, visiting scholars programmes, tea gatherings, high table dinners, and other events organized by the Colleges. They are invited to share their experiences and knowledge with students with the aim of broadening the horizons of the latter. 范徐麗泰博士 Dr. Rita Fan Hsu lai-tai 理察 • 大衛遜教授 Prof. Richard J. Davidson 林煥光先生 Mr. Lam Woon-kwong 白先勇教授 Prof. Pai Hsien-yung Kenneth 26
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