The Call of CUHK Colleges
校訓 College Motto 止於至善 In Pursuit of Excellence 院長 Head 陳偉光教授 Prof. Chan Wai-kwong Victor 新亞書院 New Asia College 校訓 College Motto 明德新民 Make One’s Virtues Shine and Renew the People 院長 Head 余濟美教授 Prof. Jimmy Chai-mei Yu 校訓 College Motto 誠明 Sincerity and Intelligence 院長 Head 黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 聯合書院 United College 逸夫書院 Shaw College 院訓 College Motto 修德講學 Cultivating One’s Virtue and Going Deeply into What One has Learned 院長 Head 陳志輝教授 Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan 崇基學院 Chung Chi College 書院 The Colleges 20
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