The Call of CUHK Colleges
到遠方的校園去 Overseas Study 崇基學院每年暑假舉辦德國及法國社會探索之旅,讓學生修讀基礎德文及法文,並造訪多個城市,認識當地社會及文化。 Chung Chi College organizes the Study Trips: Exploration of German/French Society during summer holidays. The programme includes an elementary German or French course, as well as excursions to different cities. 到外地作短期、一學期或一年的交流,在全新的環境學習,可鍛煉獨立能力。在異國浸淫,更可改善外語能力, 深入了解當地文化,促進文化交流和相互了解,培養世界視野。書院的海外交換計劃,地點遍及世界各地。 另方面,書院又接待來此就讀的海外院校學生,豐富院內的文化和生活。 Studying abroad, whether short-term, for a semester or for a year, builds independence, improves language skills, heightens knowledge of other cultures, fosters cultural exchange, and nurtures a global vision. The Colleges offer a vast array of exchange programmes to different parts of the world. On the other hand, the Colleges also host students from overseas, enriching life and culture on the college campuses. 16
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