The Call of CUHK Colleges
服務社群 Community Outreach 為讓學生了解弱勢社群的需要,以及如何以己所學服務社群,貢獻社會,崇基學院設立服務學習計劃( 2014 年正式成立服 務學習中心),其中一項為幫助發展遲緩及有行為問題的兒童,由學生為這些兒童設計不同的學習活動。 To enable students to understand the needs of the underprivileged, and help them to learn how to offer their services to society, Chung Chi College has established a series of service learning programmes and subsequently set up a Service- Learning Centre in 2014. One of these programmes is targetted at children with developmental delay and/or behavioural- emotional problems, in which participating students design study programmes for such children. 走出校園,服務本地及海外社會,培養承擔世界公民的責任,明白回饋社會的重要,同時也豐富了人生。 Students are encouraged to step out of the campus and take up pro bono services, both in Hong Kong and abroad, so as to develop a sense of responsibility as citizens of the world. It is hoped that through such experience students will learn the importance of paying back to society, a process in which their own lives will in turn be enriched. 12
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