Calendar 2010–11
Academic Units and Programmes of Studies 111 Part 3 Faculty of Medicine Dean: Prof. Fok Tai-fai 2609 6891 6 2603 5821 8 Medicine Programme The Faculty of Medicine offers a non-unit, faculty-based professional undergraduate medicine programme leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB). The Faculty adopts an integrated, system-based medical curriculum, consisting of core courses and electives, with emphases on early clinical contact, communication, life-long learning skills, attitude and professional ethics. Medical students who are interested in research may apply for admission to the Intercalated Degree Programme in Medical Sciences at the end of their second or third year of studies. Medical students shall have to sit for the First, Second and Third (Part I & II) Professional Examinations and pass all panel and module assessments before they graduate. Students are also required to serve one year’s internship at a recognized hospital before registering as a medical doctor. Undergraduate Programmes Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Medical students, having satisfied all University and Faculty requirements after completion of at least three years of medical studies, may apply for admission to the Bachelor of Science (Medical Studies) [BSc (Medical Studies)] and have the registration for the MB ChB programmme cancelled.) Intercalated Degree Programme in Medical Sciences Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Chairman: Prof. Tony Gin 2632 2735 6 2637 2422 8 Postgraduate Programmes Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Master of Philosophy Programme in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology Chairman: Prof. H.K. Ng 2632 3332/3334 6 2637 6274 8 ' * • • n ' * • • n ' *
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