Facts and Figures 2008
S tudents Student Enrolment UGC-funded Programmes By Level Undergraduate Subtotal Total Degree Full-time 10,597 Part-time 35 10,632 10,632 Local 9,540 Non-local 1,092 Postgraduate Pg Diploma Full-time 301 Part-time 932 1,233 3,317 Local 1,233 Non-local — Research Master Full-time 792 Part-time 31 823 Local 576 Non-local 247 Taught Master Full-time 102 Part-time — 102 Local 98 Non-local 4 Research Doctoral Full-time 1,018 Part-time 141 1,159 Local 404 Non-local 755 Total 13,949 By Faculty/School Undergraduate Postgraduate Total Faculty of Arts 1,493 317 1,810 Faculty of Business Administration 2,196 55 2,251 Faculty of Education 228 1,304 1,532 Faculty of Engineering 1,534 420 1,954 Faculty of Medicine 1,426 306 1,732 Faculty of Science 1,581 508 2,089 Faculty of Social Science 1,685 360 2,045 School of Law 113 9 122 Others (including double degrees, interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, streams) 376 38 414 Total 10,632 3,317 13,949
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