Annual Report 1997-98
學生及校友 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI 學生人數 由於本校已取消四年制本科課程及部分兼讀學士學位課程,本科生人 數較去年下跌百分之六,但硏究生人數則有少許增長。以一九九七 年十二月三十一日計算,本校學生人數為一萬二千二百八十五人,其 中百分之七十八為本科生,百分之二十二為硏究生。 社會科學院本科生人數仍為各學院之冠,也是學生人數最多的學院。 校內男女生比例則維持於一比一點一。 student Population Con s equent upo n t h e phasin g ou t o f th e normativ e four - year p r o g r amme s an d s om e o f t h e Part-tim e Degre e Programmes, th e numbe r o f undergraduat e student s d r o p p e d b y 6 pe r cen t wh e n c omp a r e d wit h 1996-97 . O n t he othe r hand , ther e wa s a sligh t increas e i n t h e postgraduate studen t population . O n 31s t De c embe r 1997 , t he tota l enrolmen t figur e stoo d a t 12,285 , o f w h o m 7 8 pe r cent were undergraduate s an d 2 2 pe r cen t postgraduates . The Facult y o f Socia l Scienc e continued to register the largest numbe r o f undergraduat e students and was also the largest facult y i n term s o f tota l studen t enrolment.The ratio of mal e t o femal e student s i n t h e Universit y was similar to that o f 1996-97 , i.e. , 1. 0 t o 1.1 . 新生入學人數 本年大學共錄取新生四千六百一十八名,計本科生二千九百八十八 名,研究生一千六百三十名。錄取人數之增幅為百分之一點八,較去 年略高。 student Admission A tota l o f 4,61 8 n e w student s we r e admitte d durin g t h e year, amo n g w h o m 2,98 8 we r e undergraduate s an d 1,63 0 postgraduates. Th e increas e i n studen t intak e wa s 1. 8 pe r cent, slightl y highe r tha n t h e 1. 3 pe r cen t increas e r e c o r de d in 1996-97 . 香港中文大學年報 學生及校友 62
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