Annual Report 1997-98
傑•出•研‧究 Outstanding Research Project 工程學院 Faculty o f Engineerin g 由於半導體生產程序複雜,又牽涉隨機因素,加上科技急速轉變,其 生產計劃和調度都使學術界和工程界頭痛不已。系統工程與工程管理 學系嚴厚民敎授連同系內研究人員,開發了一套動態生產調度的最優 化工具,能顯著減少生產周期。這套工具有極高的應用潛質,並因而 取得摩托羅拉基金一九九七年亞太區唯一的工業研究捐助。 Production plannin g an d schedulin g o f semiconducto r wafe r fabrication ha s bee n a grea t challeng e t o bot h academic s an d practising engineer s du e t o th e comple x productio n flo w an d stochastic environmen t involve d an d rapidl y changin g technology. Prof. Houmi n Yan , workin g wit h othe r researcher s in th e Departmen t o f System s Engineerin g an d Engineerin g Management, ha s develope d a se t o f optimizatio n tool s fo r dynamic productio n schedulin g whic h ca n significantl y reduc e production cycl e times . Th e grea t potentia l o f suc h tool s fo r practical applicatio n attracte d a n industria l gran t fro m th e Motorola Foundation , th e onl y suc h gran t the y awarde d i n th e Asia-Pacific regio n i n 199 7 fo r projec t development .
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