Annual Report 1997-98
傑‧出‧研‧究 Outstanding Research Project 教育學院 Faculty of Education 李子健教授(穿西裝者)領導一群學校發展主任,在五十所中小學開展香港躍 進學校計劃,由大學和中小學組成合作夥伴,推動中小學校的改革,達至自我 完善,從而提高敎育素質。該計劃源於史丹福大學 Prof. Henry Levin 的 「躍進學校計劃」,已獲港府優質教育基金撥款六千二百五十萬元,資助三年 的經費。 Prof. John C.K. Lee (in suit) led a team of school development officers to launch the Hong Kong Accelerated Schools Project in 50 local primary and secondary schools. Based on Prof. Henry Levin's Accelerated Schools Project at Stanford University, the project aims at bringing about reforms in schools for self-improvement, and enhancing the quality of school education through an innovative and dynamic partnership between the University and the school sector. The project has own a grant of HK$62.5 million from the government's Quality Education Fund to operate for three years.
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