Annual Report 2001–02
Students and Alumni 學生 學生人數 今年本科生人數較去年微升百分之二,硏究生人數 則因大學開設了多項自資的高級學位修課式課程 而有百分之十五的增長。以二零零一年十二月三十 一 日 計 算 , 本 校 學 生 總 數 為一 萬 五 千 零 七 十一 人,其中百分之六十三為本科生,百分之三十七為 硏究生。 Students Student Population This year the University registered a slight increase of two per cent in undergraduate student enrolment, and a 15 per cent increase in postgraduate student enrolment, which was the result of the introduction of a number of self-financed taught postgraduate programmes. On 31st December 2001, the total enrolment figure stood at 15,071, of wh om 63 per cent were undergraduate students and 37 per cent postgraduate students. 二零零一至二零零二年度學生人數* Student Enrolment 2001-2002* 全日制課程 Full-time Programme 兼讀制課程 Part-time Programme 總人數 Total 本科生 Undergraduates 9,136 294 9,430 (9,259) 硏究生 Postgraduates 文憑課程 Diploma programmes 272 1,030 1,302 碩士課程 Master's programmes 1,180 2,542 3,722 博士課程 Doctoral programmes 452 165 617 1,904 3,737 5,641 (4,902) 總人數 Total 11,040 4,031 15,071 (14,161) * 以二零零一年十二月三十一日之紀錄計算,並包括所有在大學敎育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取之學生及延期生。 Figures as at 31st December 2001, including students admitted outside UGC quota and continuing students ( )內為二零零零至二零零一年度學生人數 Indicating 2000-1 figures 學生及校友 s t u d e n t s a n d a l u m n i 6 0
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