Annual Report 2001–02
服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務社會 過去一年,很多中大成員以其專長服務社會,參與 不少海內外組織和學術機構的工作,他們對各地社 會所作之貢獻,備受表揚,並獲多項獎譽。 五名大學成員於二零零二年獲香港特別行政區授 勳:大學校董岑才生先生與中醫中藥硏究所管理委 員會主席梁秉中敎授獲授銀紫荊星章,生物化學系 曹宏威敎授獲授銅紫荊星章,敎育心理學系系主任 侯傑泰敎授與語文自學中心的學部主任張秉權博士 獲授榮譽勳章。 中醫學榮譽講座敎授胡秀英敎授獲選為二零零二年 傑出專業女性。訊息工程學講座敎授黃永成敎授獲 選為電機暨電子工程師學會院士。統計學講座敎授 陳毅恒敎授獲授國際數理統計學會院士銜。精神科 學系鄧偉光敎授獲香港老年精神學會二零零一年硏 Community Service In 2001-2, University faculty and staff continued to lend their expertise to many local and international organizations. Their dedicated service and contribution to the betterment of the community at large won them many accolades. Five members of the University were on the Year 2002 Honours List of the Government of the Ho ng Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. Shum Choi-sang, member of the University Council, and Prof. Leung Ping-chung, chairman of the Management Committee of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, were awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star. Prof. Tso Wung-wai of the Department of Biochemistry was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. Prof. Hau Kit-tai, chairman of the Department of Educational Psychology, and Dr. Cheung Ping-kuen, programme director of the Independent Learning Centre, were awarded the Medal of Honour. Prof. Hu Shiu-ying, honorary professor of Chinese medicine, was awarded the Outstanding Women Professionals Award 2002. Prof. Wo ng Wing-shing, professor of information engineering, was elected as an IEEE Fellow. Prof. Chan Ngai-hang, professor of statistics, was elected to fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Prof. Tang Wai-kwong of the Department of Psychiatry received the Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Pfizer Research Award 2001. Prof. Dennis Lo of the Department of Chemical Pathology was selected as one of the Outstanding Young Persons of the World 2001. Prof. Thomas Mak, professor of chemistry, was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Sydney Chung, dean of medicine, and Prof. Joseph Sung, professor of medicine and therapeutics, were selected Leaders of the Year 2001 in Hong Kong. 盧煜明敎授〔左一)領取 二零零一年世界傑出青年獎後, 與其他得獎者合照。 Prof. Dennis Lo (left 1) with other awardees of the Outstanding Young Persons of the World 2001 服務香港 放眼世界 s e r v i c e t o h o n g k o n g a n d t h e w o r l d 50
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