Annual Report 2001–02
工商管理學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration 口中大行政人員工商管理碩士課程於二零零一年十月在英 國《金融時報》及美國《商業週刊》的排名榜中均名列亞太 區第一;全球排名則分別是十八和三十三。中大的課程 在「學員工作經驗」、「達到期望」、「擁有博士學位的敎 授數目」、「學員的學習經驗」、「敎學素質和施」,以及 「課程的彈性」等方面都取得很高分數。中大工商管理學 院是第一所與環球頂尖商學院並列的亞洲商學院。 口毗鄰大學火車站的敎學酒店,於二零零一年十二月十九 日舉行動土典禮,由大學敎育資助委員會主席林李翹如 博士及新世界發展有限公司主席鄭裕彤博士主持。 口學院於二零零二年二月推行「傑出商學院學生計劃」,特 為香港中學會考及高級程度會考成績卓越的商學生而 設,提供學術及人生體驗的課外訓練,培育他們成為二 十一世紀的商界領袖。學院並邀請傑出商界領袖組成顧 問委員會,以確保培訓內容切合商界的需要。 口學院與上海國家會計學院於二零零二年六月,在上海首 次合辦專業會計碩士課程,培育具國際水準的財務和會 計專才。畢業學員可兼得由上海國家會計學院頒發的財 務總監資格證書,以及由香港中文大學頒發的專業會計 碩士學位。 口學院於二零零一年十一月,將電腦室及部分辦公室遷往 馮景禧樓二樓,而原位於東海商業中心的工商管理碩士 課程市區敎學中心,亦於二零零二年六月遷往更寬敞的 中環美國銀行中心一樓。 • In October 2001, the EMBA Programme was ranked No.1 in the Asia-Pacific by both the Financial Times, the leading financial newspaper in the UK, and BusinessWeek, a leading business magazine in the USA. In terms of worldwide ranking the programme was placed 18th by the Financial Times among 72 top business schools around the world, and 33rd by BusinessWeek out of 82 institutions. The CUHK programme achieved high ratings in these areas: working experience of the participants, aims achieved, the proportion of doctorates among the faculty, students' experience at their school, the quality of teaching and support services, and curriculum flexibility. This was the first time ever that an Asian school had been ranked among top business schools in the world. • The ground-breaking ceremony of the teaching hotel was held on 19th December 2001 at the site across the railway track next to the University Station. Officiating guests included Dr. Alice Lam, chair of the University Grants Committee, and Dr. Cheng Yu-tung, chairman of New World Development Company Limited. • In February 2002, the Outstanding Business Students Programme was launched to provide additional academic and experiential training to a select group of undergraduates admitted to the faculty with the best results in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. An advisory committee for the programme with prominent business leaders as members was also established to ensure that the students receive adequate training to become business leaders of the 21st century. • A Master of Professional Accountancy Programme was launched in June 2002 in Shanghai jointly with the Shanghai National Accounting Institute to nurture world-class chief financial officers to meet the global challenges facing China. Graduates will be awarded the Master of Professional Accountancy Degree by the University and the Chief Financial Officer Qualifying Certificate from the Shanghai National Accounting Institute. • The computer laboratories and some support staff from the Leung Kau Kui Building were relocated to the second floor of the Fung King Hey Building in November 2001. The MBA Town Centre in East Ocean Centre was also moved to larger premises on the first floor of the Bank of America Tower in Central in June 2002. 學術發展 a c a d e m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 24
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