Annual Report 2001–02
領導層嬗變 Leadership Evolution 新任大學校董 New Council Members 盧乃桂敎授 (自二零零一年八月一日起; 由敎務會選任) Prof. Leslie N.K. Lo (from 1st August 2001; elected by the Senate) 梁元生敎授 (自二零零一年十月十四日起; 由崇基學院院務委員會選任) Prof. Leung Yuen-sang (from 14th October 2001; elected by the Assembly of Fellows of Chung Chi College) 王維基先生 (自二零零一年十月十八日起; 由監督委任) Mr. Wong Wai-kay, Ricky (from 18th October 2001; nominated by the Chancellor) 鄭潔賢女士 (自二零零二年五月十八日起; 由逸夫書院校董會選任) Ms. Cheng Kit-yin, Kelly (from 18th May 2002; elected by the Board of Trustees of Shaw College) 領導層嬗變 LEADERSHIP EVOLUT I ON 10
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