Annual Report 2005–06
66 Staff Population The University’s staff population increased by 6.4% to 5,574 in 2005- 06. The increased number includes teaching, administrative and office support staff. There were a total of 1,204 teaching staff members, with about 63% aged between 30 and 50. Members of the teaching faculty came from the world over, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia New Zealand, Japan, Southeast Asia and other European countries. 註: 以二零零六年六月三十日紀錄計算 Note : All figures as at 30th June 2006 二零零五至二零零六年度全職教職員職別/職級分布圖 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 2005-2006 文書 Office Supporting 1,153 (20.7%) 專業 Professional 298 (5.3%) 講師級別 Lecturer equivalent 540 (44.9%) 高級導師、導師級別及 其他 Senior Instructor, Instructor equivalent and others 323 (26.8%) 高級講師級別 Senior Lecturer equivalent 200 (16.6%) 教授級別 Reader equivalent 42 (3.5%) 講座教授級別 Professor equivalent 99 (8.2%) 行政 Administrative 304 (5.5%) 技術 Technical 607 (10.9%) 職工 Minor 1,038 (18.6%) 研究 Research 970 (17.4%) 教學 Teaching 1,204 (21.6%) 教職員人數 二零零五至零六年度,大學教職員總人數為五千五 百七十四人,較去年增加百分之六點四,增加的人 員包括教研、行政及文職職級,以配合大學發展所 需。 教學人員有一千二百零四人,約百分之六十三的教 師年齡介乎三十至五十歲之間。教學同事來自世界 S taff 教職員 總人數 Total : 5,574
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