Annual Report 2018–19
50 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 In celebration of the University’s 55th anniversary, the University is pleased to report that the financial year 2018–19 marked the conclusion of the current triennium 2016–19 with a consolidated surplus of $1.04 billion and consolidated net assets of $22.68 billion. The University will leverage on its financial strength to face the challenges in the next triennium 2019–22 and to remain at the forefront of institutions of higher learning. The financial statements report the income and expenditure for both recurrent and non-recurrent activities funded by the government or supported by other non-government funds. Comments and highlights below only refer to the operating results of the University. Total income rose by $90 million or 0.9% to $9,624 million in 2018–19 (Table 1). Government subventions accounted for $5,121 million and recorded an increase of $194 million compared to the previous financial year, mainly due to additional allocations to block grants and supplementary grants to support increase in student numbers, inflation and upward pay adjustments for April 2018 and April 2019. Tuition, programme and other fees increased by $185 million to $2,305 million, of which 54% was contributed by non- University Grants Committee (UGC) funded programmes. Fees income from non-UGC funded programmes slightly exceeded that from the UGC funded programmes, due to self-financing tuition fees being charged for the former in the absence of direct subsidies from the government. The interest and net investment income fell by $364 million or 43.5% to $474 million arising from the tariff negotiations between China and the United States as well as the uncertainty in Brexit, despite an overall increase in interest income and dividends. In view of the launch of the Eighth UGC Matching Grant Scheme with effect from 1 July 2019, the donations and benefactions income only grew slightly by $33 million or 4.5% to $764 million, mainly for research activities and the private hospital construction. Total expenditure increased by $616 million or 7.8% to $8,530 million, attributable mainly to the upward revision of pay adjustment and the planned increase in learning, 財政表現 Financial Performance 大學在2018至19年正值慶祝五十五周年校 慶,亦同時標誌着2016至19年三年撥款期的 結束。大學在2018至19年財政年度整體錄得 綜合盈餘共十億四千萬元及綜合資產淨值 共二百二十六億八千萬元。大學憑藉穩健的 財務實力,必能面對新的三年撥款期所帶來 的挑戰和掌握機遇,在高等教育界保持領先 地位。 此財務報表中臚列經常性和非經常性活動 的收入及支出,不論是受政府資助或由非 政府資金支持的。以下各段僅概述大學營運 表現。 大學在2018至19年財政年度總收入較去年增 加九千萬元或百分之零點九至九十六億二千 四百萬元(表一)。政府資助收入共五十一億 二千一百萬元,相比去年增加一億九千四百 萬元,增加的主因是學生人數增加、通漲調 整,以及由於2018年4月和2019年4月公務員 薪酬上調而發放額外整體補助金及增補補助 金。學費、課程及其他收費收入也增加一億八 千五百萬元至二十三億五百萬元,當中百分之 五十四來自非大學教育資助委員會(教資會) 資助課程,而非教資會資助課程因無政府直 接補貼而需按自資營運原則收費,所以學費 收入比教資會資助課程的略高。雖然利息和 股息收益在年內皆上升,但由於中國與美國 在關稅問題上的談判持續及英國脫離歐盟的 不確定性,整體利息及投資淨收益下跌三億 六千四百萬元或百分之四十三點五至四億七 千四百萬元。鑑於第八輪教資會配對補助金 計劃於2019年7月1日才正式推出,捐贈及捐 款收入只輕微增加三千三百萬元或百分之四 點五至七億六千四百萬元,主要用作發展大 學各項科研項目及興建私家醫院。 大學總支出增加六億一千六百萬元或百分之 七點八至八十五億三千萬元(表二),主因是 年度薪酬調整及預算增加的教學、研究及支
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