Annual Report 2018–19

28 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 社企 Mushroom-X 關海山教授(前排左一)及其團隊成立社 企Mushroom-X,利用菇菌的菌絲研發 不助燃,可隔熱,完全降解的生物材料, 預計適用於製作產品包裝和建築物的隔 熱層。 Mushroom-X: a social enterprise Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan (1st left, front row) and his team members founded Mushroom-X to tap into the potential of the mycelium of mushrooms by developing nonflammable, heat-insulating and biodegradable biomaterials suitable for use as product packaging and thermal insulation for buildings.