Annual Report 2007–08
2 Introduction 引 言 引言 二零零七至零八年度,香港中文大學繼續 如日之升,駸駸而上。全賴大學同人、同學 和校友齊心協力,中大在各方面皆多所創 獲,在邁向區內頂尖學府的路途上,又跨 進了一大步。 巍巍黌宮 菁英首選 本港和區內菁英學子繼續以中大為升學首 選。在二零零七至零八年度,中大循優先 錄取計劃招收了一百八十二名中六高才生, 人數連續三年為三所參與院校之冠。而參 與大學聯合招生辦法成績最佳的一千人 中,四百七十八人入讀中大。經由校長推 薦計劃、自薦計劃和運動員獎學金計劃而 獲錄取的同學,稟賦各異,或善於領導, 或精於藝術,或長於體育,濟濟一堂,中 大校園更添斑斕色彩。 我們又循全國普通高校統一招生計劃錄 取了二百五十一名來自內地二十五個省 市的學生,其中約三十人在所屬省市名列 首十名。此外,來自加拿大、芬蘭、德國、 印尼、日本、澳門、馬來西亞、毛里裘斯、 葡萄牙、新加坡、南韓、美國等地的學生 雲集中大,使校園儼如文化大熔爐,體現 「教育無疆界」的理念。 優良教育 深獲讚譽 大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下質素 保證局(質保局)對教資會院校進行質素 核證,中大為首所受評院校。二零零八年 九月,質保局公布《質素核證報告》,肯定 「中大按其角色說明和使命,為學生提供 優質學習經驗,並設有良好的質素保證制 度」,報告列出十一點讚揚,嘉許中大為 精益求精而制訂的多項措施。中大致力提 供優良教育,今獲獨立評審小組推崇備 至,足以為慶。我衷心感謝大學成員積極 預備質素核證所需的資料,並向評審小組 詳細介紹中大的質素保證措施和制度。同 人辛勤任事,終於功德圓滿。 學務發展 與時並進 中大的課程設計向來因時制宜,不斷推陳 出新。過去一年,我們增設了六項本科課 程、一項商業及工程雙學位選擇、十三項 研究院課程;連同新開設的同期結業雙學 位課程,現有多達十項雙學位課程 / 選擇 供學生選讀。 Introduction During the academic year 2007–08, The Chinese University of Hong Kong continued its upward trajectory. With the collective efforts of the University community, including its staff, students and alumni, milestones were achieved on many fronts, and the University was making remarkable progress in the course of developing into a leading institution of higher learning in the region. Magnet for Top Students The Chinese University continued to be the preferred tertiary institution for top-quality students in Hong Kong and in the region. In 2007–08, we admitted 182 outstanding Secondary Six students through the Early Admissions Scheme, taking the largest share among the three participating local institutions for three consecutive years. Of the top 1,000 Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) entrants, 478 were admitted to CUHK. The variety of our student talents was enhanced with the admission of other young people of great potential in leadership, the arts and the sports, through channels such as the School Principal’s Nomination Scheme, the Self Recommendation Scheme and the Sports Scholarship Scheme. We also admitted 251 mainland students from 25 provinces and municipalities through the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination System, about 30 of whom were ranked among the top ten in their respective provinces and municipalities. The mix of our student population was further enriched by the presence of young recruits from Canada, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Mauritius, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, and the US, making ours a truly international campus epitomizing the philosophy of ‘education without borders’. Quality education CUHK was the first local tertiary institution to have been audited for its education quality by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC). The QAC released the Report of a Quality Audit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in September 2008, which confirmed that ‘ CUHK is providing a high quality student learning experience that reflects its mission and role statement, underpinned by good quality assurance
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