Annual Report 2007–08
63 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 獎金及經濟援助 二零零七至零八年度經由入學及學生資助 處、學術交流處、學生事務處,以及四所成 員書院發給學生的獎學金及經濟援助,總 額達八千六百四十萬港元。 大學及書院為獎勵成績優異的學生,共頒 發獎學金及學業優異獎三千四百一十一 項,金額達七千九百六十萬港元,當中約 兩成的個別款額逾四萬二千一百港元, 足以支付全年學費。一百六十四名香港中 學會考成績優異並經「優先錄取計劃」入 學的學生,獲得獎學金總額達三百二十萬 港元。 獲頒獎學金的學生中,九百七十三名 獲資助到海外參加交換計劃、會議、 交流團,以及修讀研究院課程,金額共 一千二百三十萬港元。三百六十四名內地 生及海外生獲頒獎學金來港就讀,金額 共三千九百八十萬港元。 Scholarship & Financial Assistance During the period under review, the total amount given out in the form of scholarships and financial assistance to students via the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Office of Academic Links, the Office of Student Affairs, and the four Colleges of the University was HK$86.4 million. A total of 3,411 University- and College-administered scholarships and prizes with an aggregate value of HK$79.6 million were awarded to students with outstanding academic achievements. About 20% carried a value sufficient to cover the annual tuition fee of HK$42,100 or more; 164 scholarships worth a total of HK$3.2 million were awarded to students who had been admitted via the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS) on the basis of outstanding performance of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE). In addition, 973 students were granted a total of HK$12.3 million to participate in exchange programmes, postgraduate studies, conferences, and overseas study tours. And 364 mainland and international students were awarded scholarships to the tune of HK$39.8 million for their studies in Hong Kong. 靳清揚 利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金得主(二零零八) Kan Ching-yeung Karita Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship Winner (2008) 哲學系應屆畢業生靳清揚獲頒利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金,於二零零八年九月負笈牛津大學深造政 治學碩士課程。 利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金約八十萬港元,由利黃瑤璧博士遺贈予中大的捐款所設立,每年資助一 位才德兼優的傑出中大畢業生前往牛津大學深造,足 以支付學費、住宿、零用、往返香港和英國的交通,以 及與學習相關的旅遊費用。 清揚以八優會考成績經中六生「優先錄取計劃」入讀 中大。她形容中大的教授不但教學出色,而且「更關 心學生的成長,啟發我認真思考生命的意義及各種社 會問題。大學和書院生活亦給我很多課堂以外的機 會,學習做人處世。」 Kan Ching-yeung Karita, a final year student at the Department of Philosophy, has been awarded the Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in politics at the University of Oxford starting in September in 2008. The HK$800,000 scholarship, established with funds from the estate of the late Dr. Esther Yewpick Lee to sponsor an outstanding graduate of CUHK each year to study at the University of Oxford, covers tuition and accommodation, a personal allowance, transportation expenses to and from Oxford, and traveling expenses related to learning. Karita, who scored 8As in the HKCEE, was admitted to CUHK through the EAS after completing Secondary Six. She said that CUHK professors were not only excellent lecturers, but ‘they also care about my personal growth and encourage me to reflect on the meaning of life and the problems facing our society. University and college life gave me a lot of opportunities to grow as a person.’
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