Annual Report 2007–08
58 Staff Population The staff population continued to grow in the year under review, increasing by 4.1% to 6,222 in 2007– 08. The increased number included mainly teaching, research and administrative staff. There were a total of 2,512 teaching and research staff. Of the 1,400 teaching staff, about 63% were aged between 30 and 50. Members of the teaching faculty came from many countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, the US, Southeast Asia, and other European countries. Staff Recruitment and Profile A total of 82 new teachers joined the University. Most notably among them were four chair professors, namely, Prof. Chen Pingyuan, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature; Prof. Arif Dirlik, Professor of Chinese Studies; Prof. Zhao Zhenkai (Beidao), Professor of Humanities; and Prof. Zhao Guoping, Professor of Microbiology. Three distinguished figures accepted appointments as Honorary Professors, including Prof. Louis Cha (Jin Yong) in the Faculty of Arts; Prof. Zhou Xiaochuan in the Faculty of Business Administration; and Prof. Liu Yingli in the Faculty of Engineering. In tandem with the steady growth in faculty strength, which paved the way for the reversion to a four-year normative undergraduate curriculum, the University launched global searches for eligible candidates to fill the posts of Provost and six Deans of the Faculties. Various units continued to provide administrative support for the University’s developments on many fronts. Among new senior administrators joining were Mr. Leung Yu-chiu Raymond, director, Office of Student Affairs, and Ms. Gan Qi, director, The Chinese University Press. Staff Training and Development As its adopted policy, the University encourages staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous learning to meet the ever-changing job demands. In 2007–08, the following training and development opportunities were offered: • Staff development programmes and grants: financial support in the form of scholarships, fellowships, training loans or special grants was offered to six teachers for furthering their studies and conducting research at local and overseas institutions of higher learning 教職員人數 二零零七至零八年度,大學教職員數目續 有增長,總人數為六千二百二十二人。與上 一年度比較,增加百分之四點一,增聘者 主要為教學、研究和行政人員。 教學及研究人員佔二千五百一十二人。在 一千四百名教學人員中,約百分之六十三 年齡介乎三十至五十歲。教學人員來自世 界各國和地區,包括澳洲、加拿大、新西 蘭、英國、美國,以及東南亞和其他歐洲 國家。 教職員聘任概况 是年度共有八十二名教師加盟大學,尤為 傑出者有四位講座教授:中國語言及文學 講座教授陳平原教授、中國研究講座教授 德里克教授、人文學科講座教授趙振開教 授(北島),以及微生物學講座教授趙國 屏教授。三位知名人士應聘為榮譽教授, 他們是文學院查良鏞(金庸)教授、工商 管理學院周小川教授,以及工程學院劉應 力教授。 為準備恢復四年制,教學陣容穩定擴充之 際,大學亦展開全球招募,選聘賢能,以出 掌常務副校長,並其中六個學院之院長要 職。行政部門續有資深人才加盟,出任要 職,計有學生事務處處長梁汝照先生和大 學出版社社長甘琦女士。 教職員培訓及發展 大學一向鼓勵教職員持續進修,以應付日 新月異的社會變遷帶來的新挑戰和新工 作。二零零七至零八年度培訓及發展計劃 概況如下: • 教職員進修計劃:頒發獎助學金或培 訓貸款予六名教師,供其在本港或海 外專上院校進修或開展研究工作 • 會議補助金:資助三百三十六名教職 員出席本港或海外的學術和專業會議 Staff 教職員
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