Annual Report 2007–08
46 Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務香港 放眼世界 二零零七至零八年度,中大成員繼續以其專識卓見服務本港、國內以至國際社會,致力建立學府 與社會的橋樑。他們的傑出社會服務,在海內外屢獲賞譽。 In 2007–08, the University faculty and staff continued to serve Hong Kong, the mainland and the world with their expertise. Their outstanding service to local and international communities received many accolades. 服務社會 Serving the Community 成就與讚譽 Achievements and Recognition 公共衞生學院和社區及家庭醫學系助理教授陳英凝教 授(上圖)多年來提倡醫療人道救援,眼科及視覺科學 講座教授林順潮教授(下圖右)致力防盲、治盲及除盲 等工作,無私貢獻。兩人同獲香港紅十字會及香港電台 頒授「香港人道年獎二零零七」。 Prof. Chan Ying-yang Emily (top), assistant professor at the School of Public Health and the Department of Community and Family Medicine, and Prof. Lam Shun-chiu Dennis (bottom, right), Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, were selected for the Hong Kong Humanity Award 2007 — Prof. Chan for being a pioneer in the provision of medical humanitarian assistance in Asia, and Prof. Lam for his commitment to restoring sight to the blind over the years. The award was co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong. 地理與資源管理學系副教授馬路華教授(右) 就熱帶雨林區的研究、培訓及環保活動提出建議, 有助推動馬來西亞霹靂州的生態旅遊, 獲頒皇家貝盧姆首屆生態旅遊獎。 Prof. Lawal M. Marafa (right), associate professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, received Malaysia’s Royal Belum Inaugural Ecotourism Award for promoting ecotourism in the state of Perak, as well as ways to facilitate research, training and environmental programmes in rainforest ecology. 太空與地球信息科學研究所所長林琿教授(右), 於二零零八年七月獲國家航天局頒發專家聘書, 出任中國繞月探測工程科學應用專家委員會的 成員。他將有機會優先參與繞月探測資料的分 析研究,有助促進研究所的太空行星研究。 Prof. Lin Hui (right), director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, was appointed by the China National Space Administration in July 2008 as an expert of the Scientific Application Committee of China Lunar Exploration Programme. The appointment gave Prof. Lin priority to analyse data from the lunar orbiting exploration programme, thus helping to accelerate the institute’s planetary programme.
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