Annual Report 2007–08
34 Introduction CUHK is committed to the pursuit of excellence in academic research. The various departments of its seven Faculties and the School of Law (advanced to Faculty status from 1 August 2008) provide support to researchers in a number of ways. Major research institutes and smaller research units provide points of convergence for research projects of an interdisciplinary nature. Together, these institutions form a vibrant community showcasing the University’s research strengths in various disciplines. CUHK expects all members of the academic staff to be research-active and to benchmark their research using international standards. To support the work of its researchers, the University invested new resources, including endowment income and earmarked external donations, in targeted areas of research strength, in particular the five major areas of Chinese Studies, Biomedical Sciences, Information Sciences, Economics and Finance, and Geoinformation and Earth Sciences. Key Establishments CUHK obtained approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to set up the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK), the second state key laboratory at the University. It was established with the mission of up-scaling China’s agricultural technology to the world state-of-the-art level, to increase agricultural productivity, safeguard food security in China, and improve nutrition. It will tap into Hong Kong’s advantages in global networking, international human resources and modern management, and the mainland’s strengths in economy, research capacity and abundant natural resources. The University also established its first two key laboratories approved by the Ministry of Education of China (MoE), namely, the Key Laboratory for 引言 香港中文大學致力追求卓越的學術研 究。各學院及其轄下學系透過不同渠 道,為研究人員提供支援。重點研究所 及小型研究單位協作無間,整合跨學 科研究工作,形成一個活潑蓬勃的整 體,充分發揮大學在不同學科的科研 力量。 中大期望所有教員積極從事學術研究, 達致國際水平。大學運用基金收益及專 用校外捐款等新增資源,集中投放於研 究強項,特別是五個重點研究領域:中 國研究、生物醫學科學、訊息科學、經濟 與金融,以及地球信息與地球科學。 重點建樹 中大獲國家科學技術部批准,成立農業 生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中文大 學),為中大的第二所國家重點實驗室, 其使命是提升農業科學技術至世界領 先水平,提高農業生產力,保障中國糧 食安全和改善食物營養。實驗室將結合 香港在全球網絡、國際科研人才和管理 制度等方面的優勢,以及內地的龐大經 濟力量、科研實力和豐富天然資源等強 項。 中大是年也首次獲國家教育部批准,成 立兩所重點實驗室,分別是與暨南大 學合作的「再生醫學教育部重點實驗 室」,以及「中大利群計算及界面科技教 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)科研要員 Core researchers of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) Research 研 究
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