Annual Report 2007–08
10 University Leadership 大學領導層 新任大學校董 New Council Members 李國英議員 The Honourable Li Kwok-ying 自二零零七年十月二十九日起;由立法會議員互選產生 from 29 October 2007; elected by members of the Legislative Council 鄭海泉博士 Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng 自二零零七年十一月二十七日起;由監督委任 from 27 November 2007; nominated by the Chancellor 李明逵先生 Mr. Dick M.K. Lee 自二零零七年十一月二十七日起;由監督委任 from 27 November 2007; nominated by the Chancellor 梁英偉先生 Mr. Charles Y.W. Leung 自二零零七年十一月三十日起;由新亞書院校董會選任 from 30 November 2007; elected by the Board of Trustees of New Asia College
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