Annual Report 2020–21
附錄 Appendices 121 校友 Alumni 名列二零二一年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the HKSAR Honours List 2021 大紫荊勳章 Grand Bauhinia Medal 市區重建局主席、前香港鐵路有限公司行政總裁及前香港交易及結算所有限公司主席周松崗議員 The Honourable Chow Chung-kong, Chairman, Urban Renewal Authority; Former Chief Executive Officer, MTR Corporation Limited; Former Chairman, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 金紫荊星章 Gold Bauhinia Star 立法會議員盧偉國博士工程師 Ir. Dr. Lo Wai-kwok, Member, Legislative Council 民政事務局常任秘書長謝凌潔貞女士 Mrs. Tse Ling Kit-ching, Cherry, Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Home Affairs Bureau 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 立法會議員陳克勤先生 Mr. Chan Hak-kan, Member, Legislative Council 紀律部隊及廉政公署卓越獎章 Distinguished Service Medals for the Disciplined Services and the ICAC 入境事務處副處長陳天賜先生 Mr. Chan Tin-chee, Deputy Director of Immigration, Immigration Department 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 香港出版總會會長、聯合出版(集團)有限公司副總裁李家駒博士 Dr. Lee Ka-kui, Elvin, Chairman, The Hong Kong Publishing Federation; Vice President, Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Limited 民建聯副秘書長葉傲冬先生 Mr. Ip Ngo-tung, Chris, Deputy Secretary General, Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong 紀律部隊及廉政公署榮譽獎章 Meritorious Service Medals for the Disciplined Services and the ICAC 香港警務處高級助理處長周一鳴先生 Mr. Chow Yat-ming, Joe, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Hong Kong Police Force 香港警務處副校長(警察機動部隊)莫慶榮先生 Mr. Mok Hing-wing, Stephen, Deputy Commandant (Police Tactical Unit), Hong Kong Police Force 香港警務處總警司謝名揚先生 Mr. Tse Ming-yeung, Peter, Chief Superintendent, Hong Kong Police Force 附錄 Appendix 7
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