Annual Report 2004–05
「松漠風華:契丹藝術與文化」展覽 The 'Noble Riders from Pines and Deserts: The Artistic Legacy of the Qidan' Exhibition 「松 漠風 華: 契 丹 藝 術 與 文化 」展 覽 由 藝 術 系 與 文 物 館 合 辦 , 於二零 零 四 年 十月 二十五 日至二零 零五年二 月 二十 日 舉 行 , 展 示 契 丹 的 優 雅 文 化 外 , 亦 為 藝 術 硏 究 生 提 供 硏 究 經 驗 和 策 展 培 訓 。 學 生 參 與 整 個 硏 究 和 籌 備 過 程 , 包 括 展 覽 策 劃 和 撰 寫 相 關 專 刊 。 此 計 劃 敎 硏 並 重 , 充 分 發 揮 藝 術 系 與 文 物 館 的 資 源 優 勢。 Organized by the Department of Fine Arts and the Art Museum, the exhibition was held from 25th October 2004 to 20th February 2005. Unprecedented in a Hong Kong tertiary institution, the project was meant to provide research training and curatorial experience for postgraduate fine arts students, and to fully utilize the joint benefits of research and teaching facilities of both the department and the museum. The students took part in the entire process of preparation and research for the exhibition and the writing of the accompanying exhibition catalogue. Outstanding Research Project Faculty of Arts 傑出研 文學院 水晶管鏤孔金珠項飾連墜 Necklace iin rock crystal and gold 鎏金雙龍戲珠紋紅銅冠 Openwork gilt copper crown 幾何形花葉紋錦袍 Silk robe with styized floral pattern 研究 Reseach 51
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