Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 5 Feb 1968

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E F O U R • F E B R U A R Y 1 9 6 8 • N U M B E R F I V E CONTENTS Page In te r-A sia n Conference on the H is to ry of Chinese S c ie n c e ................................................. 1 Conducted T o u r ................................................. 3 T he C U H K Publications O ffice ............ 3 C U H K S taff to Serve as E xternal Exam iners 3 Career T alks fo r A ppointm en ts W orkshop Comm ittee ................................................. 3 New Chairm en fo r Boards o f Studies ... 4 G rant fo r Chinese M edical Plant Research Project ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 M om busho S c h o la rs h ip ........................................ 4 Lo ng W ater Pipe Being Installed fo r C U H K 4 S taff Profiles .......................................................... 4 Com ings and Goings ........................................ 6 College N e w s .......................................................... 6 INTER-AS IAN CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORY OF CHINESE SCIENCE T h e In te r-A sia n Conference on the H is to ry o f Chinese Science, sponsored by the Chinese U n iv e rs ity and financed by the Harvard-Yenching In s titu te , was held at Chung C h i College from 22nd to 27th January, 1968. Participants included some o f the most cele brated scholars from universities in Asia. T he y w e re: Professor K iyo sh i Yabuuchi, D ire cto r o f the In s titu te o f H um an istic Sciences, K y o to U n ive rsity, K yoto , Japan. He is renowned fo r his study in the history o f Chinese science, especially Chinese astronomy and calendrical science. Professor Ho Peng-yoke, Dean o f A rts, U n ive rsity o f Malaya, Kuala L um p u r, Malaysia. He was a student o f Professor Joseph Needham o f Cambridge U n ive rsity, a world-fam ous scholar in the study o f Chinese science. Professor Ho distinguished him self in the study o f the history o f Chinese science, especially in Chinese astronomy and physics. Professor Shigeru Nakayama, Ph,D ., Harvard, o f the College o f General Education, U n ive rsity o f Tokyo. H is special field is the study o f the history o f Chinese astronomy and scientific thought. Professor Nathan S ivin, P h.D ., Harvard, o f the Massachusetts In s titu te o f Technology, and Re search F ellow o f K y o to U n iv e rs ity (1967-68). He is at present doing research on the effects o f the in tro du ction o f Copernius' astronom ical theory in to China. Professor Jeon Sang-woon o f Sung Shin Women's Teachers College, Seoul, Korea. He is renowned for his study in the histo ry o f chem istry and Korean science. Professor L am La y-yong o f the U n iversity o f Singapore. She has deep understanding o f the history o f Chinese mathematics. H e r book, Yang H ui Suan Fa, is about to be published by Cambridge Un iversity. Professor Noah Fehl, Professor in W o rld H isto ry, T he Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f H ong Kong. He specializes in the study o f w o rld history and the history o f scientific thought.