Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 8 Feb 1965
Members : T w o Professors, Readers or D irectors o f the U n iv e rs ity Studies from each fa cu lty to be elected by the Senate, and the D ire cto rs o f U n iv e rs ity In stitu te s and the School o f Education. 5. Committee on Discipline " T o consider all matters o f discipline tha t do n o t fa ll w ith in the ju ris d ic tio n o f the Colleges." Chairman: P ro-V ice-C han cellor Members: T w o other Presidents , three V ice - Presidents and two from each College to be elected by the Senate from its own members. 6. Election Committee “ T h is C omm ittee is charged w ith the respon s ib ility o f looking after matters relating to ba l lo tin g and v o tin g .” Chairman : T o be elected among members. Members: T w o from each College elected by the Senate from its own members. 7. Committee on University Laboratories ‘ ‘T h is C omm ittee is charged w ith the respon s ib ility o f supervising the Central Laboratories o f the U n iv e rs ity ." Chairman: D ire c to r o f the In s titu te o f Science and Technology. Members: D ire cto rs o f U n iv e rs ity Studies in the F a cu lty o f Science, in c lu d in g M athem atics, one each from two other faculties to be elected by the Senate from its own members. Subsequently, the members o f five o f the seven comm ittees were elected by Senate and listed below :- Election Committee T h e Senate elected the fo llow in g to be members o f the E le ction C omm ittee :- Prof. N .E . Fehl D r. M a rk K e n t-c h u n D r. D aniel Y . Chang M r. W u C hen-hsiung M r. C .C . H u D r. Yang Shu-chia Committee on University Budget and Establishment T h e Senate elected the fo llow in g to be members o f the C omm ittee on U n iv e rs ity Budget and Establishm ent :- P rof. Chou K a i-re n D r. Yang Ju-m ei M r . P .S .K . Fang Committee on Research Policy and Postgraduate Studies T h e Senate elected the fo llow in g to be members o f the C omm ittee on Research Policy and Post graduate Studies :- Prof. Chou Fa-kao Prof. T a n g C h u n -i Prof. H su Bay-sung D r. S .T . Tsou D r. Yang Ju-m ei Prof. Chou K a i-re n P rof. Chen Cheng-siang Committee on University Scholarships T h e Senate elected the fo llow in g to be members o f the C omm ittee on U n iv e rs ity Scholarships M r. R .N . Rayne D r. Chang H son-m ou Prof. T a n g C h u n -i M r. W u C hen-hsiung P rof. Chen Cheng-siang M r . H u C hia-chien Committee on Editorial Committee T h e Senate elected the fo llow in g to be members o f the E d ito ria l C omm ittee on Academ ic P ub lications P rof. Chou Fa-kao Prof. B. Hensman Prof. H su Bay-sung D r. D anie l Y . Chang P rof. Chen Cheng-siang P rof. Pauline V . Y oung Senate Committee Rules T h e Senate also agreed tha t (i) no rm a lly no one should be elected to more than tw o comm ittees in ad dition to the E lection Comm ittee. T h is rule does no t apply to ex officio o r sta tutory mem bership ; (ii) A m ember o f the Senate is considered elected to a C omm ittee on ly i f he o r she receives one h a lf or more o f the votes ; (iii) the qu o rum fo r each comm ittee shall be a sim ple m a jo rity ; (iv) each Board or C omm ittee shall rep o rt to the Senate as a whole on actions taken o r on its recommendations, as the case may be; and tha t the three U n iv e rs ity faculties be defined as follow s :- Faculty of Science M em bers as defined under Statute 13 (3) in the D e pa rtm e n t o f B iology, C hem istry, Mathem atics and Physics. Faculty o f Arts M em bers as defined under S tatute 13 (3) in the Departm ents o f Chinese Language & L ite ra tu re , E ng lish Language & L ite ra tu re , H is to ry , Religious Know ledge, Philosophy and F ine A rts. Faculty of Social Science & Commerce M em bers as defined in Statute 13 (3) in D e pa rtm ent o f Econom ics, Business A dm in is tra tion , Commerce, Finance & A cc o u n tin g , Sociology, Social W o rk and Geography. 2
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