Bulletin Supplement Nov 1965
An Ordinance t o establish The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, t o provide fo r it incorporation, constitution, functions and matters connected therewith. Preamble. WHEREAS i t i s desirable t o establis h a Universityw i th a federal constitution i n which the principal language o f instruction shall b e Chinese 一 (a) t o assist i n the preservation, dissemination, communication and increase o f knowledge ; (b) to provide w i th the Colleges regular courses of instruction i n the humanities, the sciences and other branches of learning of a standard required and expected of a University of the highest standing; (c) to stimulate the intellectual and cultural development of Hong K o ng and thereby to assist in promoting its economic and social welfare: N o w , THEREFORE, BE i t enacted by the Governor o f Ho ng Kong, w i th the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, a s follows— Short titl e an d commencement . 1. Th is Ordinance may be cited as The Chinese University o f HongKo ng Ordinance, 1963, and shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclamation i n the Gazette. Interpretation . 2. (1 ) I n this Ordinanc e and i n any Statutes madethereunder, unless th e context otherwise requires— " Appo i n t ed Teachers", "Recognized Lecturers” and ‘‘Directors of University Studies" respectively mean the Appointed Teachers, Recognized Lecturers and Directors o f University Studies of the University as provided b y section 18 ; "approved course of study" mean s a course of study approved by the Senate; ‘‘Board o f Governors" means the Board o f Governors o r Board o f Trustees o f a College; "Chancellor", "Vice-Chancellor", 'Pro-Vice-Chancellor" and “Treasurer ”, respectively mean the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Treasurer o f the University; ‘‘College" means a college o f the University as provided b y section 5 ; " Co u n c i l " , ‘‘Senate ”, ‘‘Convocation" , ‘‘Faculties” and “Boards o f Studies” respectively mean the Council, Senate, Convocation, Faculties and Boards o f Studies o f the University; “Foundation Colleges" means Chung Chi College, New Asia College and The United College o f Ho n g K o n g; ''graduates" and "students" respectively mean the graduates and students o f the University; “members ’, means such persons as are prescribed by the Statutes t o be members; ‘‘Officers’’ means the officers o f the University as providedb y section 6 ; "President" means President o f a College ; "Registrar" and " L i b r a r i a n " respectively mean the Registrar and Librarian o f the University; "Statutes" means the Statutes o f the University made under section 20; ‘‘University” means The Chinese University o f Hong Ko ng (香港中文大學) incorporated b y section 4. Specia l resolution. (2) A special resolution i s a resolution passed a t one meeting o f the Council and confirmed at a subsequent meeting held not less than one calendar month nor more than six months after the former meeting, and which i s approved a t each meeting b y— (a) not less than three fourths of those present and voting, and (b) not less than half the whole membership o f the Council. Visitation . 3. The Council may, when i t thinks fit, appoint one o r more persons to visit any College of the University, w i th powe r t o inspect the records, buildings, equipment and general facilities i n any department and i n any subject o f study i n such College and report thereon t o the Council, Incorporation. 4. There shall be established i n the Colony o f Ho ng K o ng a University w i th the name of T he Chinese University of Hong Ko ng (香港中文大學) and the Colleges and members of the University shall he a body corporate and shall have perpetual succession and may sue and be sued in that name and shall have and may use a common seal and may take by gift or otherwise purchase and hold, grant, demise o r otherwise dispose o f real o r personal estate: 2
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