Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967
Education (Theory) Prof. C . T. Hu, Columbia University, U.S.A. (Practice) Prof. Norman K . Henderson, University of Hong Kong, Hong Ko ng English Language & Literature Prof. L i u Wu - c h i, Indiana University, U.S.A. Fine Arts Prof. Chiang Yee, Columbia University, U.S.A. Geography Prof. Paul Wheatley, Department of Geography, University College, University of L o n d on England History Prof. L i u Chung-hung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Journalism M r . Tseng Hsu-pai, Dean, Graduate School of Journalism, T h e Cheng Chi University, Taiwan Mathematics Prof. A . G. Walker, F.R.S., Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Liverpool, England Philosophy Prof. Th ome H. Fang, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, U . S . A. Physics Prof. H . Y . Fan, Purdue University, U.S.A. Religious Knowledge D r . C.H. Hwang, Theological Education Fund, London Social Work Mr s. L i n Lee Mei-chen, Geneva, Switzerland Sociology D r . Cheng Ch ' eng - K ' un, Professor of Sociology, University of Hawaii, U . S . A . ‘ Zoology Prof. George W. Chu, Professor of Microbiology and Zoology, University of Hawaii, U . S . A . ‘ ADVISORY COMMI TTEE ON JOURNAL ISM EDUCAT ION AND OTHERS I n August 1965, an Advisory Committee on Journalism Education and Communications Research was set up by the Vice-Chancellor under the Chairmanship of M r . N.J.V. Watt, Director of Information Service of Hong Kong, to advise the University on the development of a program of journalism education and communications research. Mo re specifically, the Committee was requested to assist the University's Mass Communications Centre and the Department of Journalism in New Asia College (1) in assessing the overall needs of the Hong Ko ng and Asian community in respect of training and research in journalism, (2) i n exploring the most effective ways of fulfilling these needs, and (3) in securing the necessary cooperation of the community. Leaders in the local journalistic world have been invited to serve on the Committee, and the present members of the Committee are:— M r . N.J.V. Wa tt (Chairman) Director of Information Services, Hong Ko ng Government M r . Fred T . T . Aw Managing Director, Hong Kong Standard Miss Aw Sian Managing Director, Sin Poh Amalgamated ( H . K .) L t d. M r . Donald Brooks Director, Radio Hong Ko ng M r . Robert Ho The Manager Kung Sheung Daily News M r . Graham Jenkins Managing Editor, The Star M r . Frank McCu l l o ch The Manager, T i me - L i fe Bureau M r . Charles Mo hr Chief Correspondent in Southeast Asia, New York Times M r . Shum Wai Yau Managing Director, Wah Kin Yat Po Prof. Mason Smi th Visiting Professor of Journalism of T he Chinese University D r . Michael T . K . Wei Lecutrer in Journalism of The Chinese University M r . T . R . C. Wi l l is General Manager, South China Morning Post M r . L . Z. Yuan, Regional Advisor, Chinese Affairs, The Asia Foundation 2
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