(Please scroll down for English version)
日期:2020 年 2 月 5 日(星期三)
時間:下午 2 時至 4 時 30 分
名額:20 個(先到先得)
按金:港幣 50 元(活動當日全數退回出席者)
房協長者安居資源中心由香港房屋協會於 2005 年開設,旨在透過教育、身體功能測試、專業諮詢服務及研究,在社區推廣「長者友善家居」,協助長者達致「居家安老」。中心於 2017 年設立全港首創的「智友善」家居探知館,讓大眾了解適合認知障礙症患者的家居設計。
日期:2019 年 10 月 24 日(星期四)
時間:上午 9 時 30 分至中午 12 時
名額:20 個(先到先得)
電話:3943 2306
2nd Session
We will visit local communities with different NGOs each month in the academic year 2019-20 to learn how they engage social issues with innovation, hoping to explore new possibilities for university students to take part in social affairs. Welcome to join any of the following walks!
The 2nd session of A Walk in Community with I·CARE will take place at the Elderly Resources Centre* of the Hong Kong Housing Society. Situated in Yau Ma Tei, this centre will open its Mind-friendly Home Exploration Centre to let participants learn about how a friendly housing design for people with dementia and their caretakers may facilitate their daily living in order to achieve “aging in place”. Besides, participants can take part in experiential games to gain an understanding of the daily challenges encountered by the aforementioned people.
Date: 5 February 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 20 (on a first-come-first-served basis)
Target: CUHK full-time students and staff
Fee: Free of charge
Deposit: HK$50 (refunded upon attendance on the event day)
*About the Organisation
The Elderly Resources Centre was established by the Hong Kong Housing Society in 2005 to promote “age-friendly housing” to the community through education, health screening, professional consultation and research. In 2017, the centre set up the Mind-friendly Home Exploration Centre, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to demonstrate to the public how a friendly housing design may facilitate the daily living of people with dementia.
1st session
The 1st session of A Walk in Community with I·CARE will take place at Aoi Pui School* in Hung Hom. Participants will tour around the campus and attend classes to learn about the school’s implementation of the “Applied Behaviour Analysis” for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They will also be given chances to communicate with the ASD students as well as their caretakers.
Details of this activity are as follows:
Date: 24 October 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 20 (on a first-come-first-served basis)
Fee: Free of charge
*About the School
Aoi Pui School, operated by the Autism Partnership Foundation, is the first non-mainstream private primary school in Hong Kong which is specially catered for ASD children. The School adopts the student-oriented approach and small-class teaching mode, and its curriculum is formulated as per an Individualised Education Programme. The “Applied Behaviour Analysis” used by the School has been scientifically proven effective in assisting the ASD children to achieve the best learning outcome.
Miss Li of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 2306
Email: laurali@cuhk.edu.hk